
Year: 2022

Martin Luther King | Character

Martin Luther King Jr. was an American Baptist minister and activist, one of the most prominent leaders in the civil rights movement from 1955 until his assassination in 1968. This quote is an often shared moment of a speech he delivered on Aug. 28, 1963, on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. This excerpt discusses being judged by the content of character and not skin colour. 

B is for Black

Many who consider themselves Black have full or partial African ancestry, weather it is through Sub-Saharan Africa, the Caribbean or South/Central America. In Canada, 46 per cent (547,785) of Black Canadians are of Caribbean origin and 35 per cent (424,840) of Black Canadians are of African immigrant origin.  

A is for Ally

An ally is a person who actively takes steps to understand, support and uplift others in an intentional and conscious manner. Allies understand their own privilege, and are aware of intersectionality and the various ways different aspects systemically and/socially impact others.


Hey! My name is Rachel Nicole; I am the founder of IDEA Forum. I’m a neurodiverse Black woman, with a mission of furthering diverse and inclusive practices. As a first generation Canadian; I’ve spent my life navigating systems that were built not to accommodate the intersectionality of someone like myself. The barriers I have faced throughout […]